Duke of Edinburgh Award
Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Volunteering &/or Assistant Instructing
The club welcomes members to use the club to fulfill their DofE volunteering requirements, the options are endless. Volunteering is possible at Improvers, RYA Training courses and anywhere else you think you can make a difference. Please speak to the Youth & Junior Sailing Secretary so that your offer can be co-ordinated with the relevant volunteer teams.
If you are over 14 years old and want to complete your Assistant Instructor qualification, you need to volunteer on the RYA Training Courses as other volunteering hours won't count towards the qualification. You can do DofE volunteering in parallel with your AI hours if you want to.
If you have decided to use Sailing as your skill development in DofE, this is also great news and the club is happy to support this. Please contact the Y&J Sailing Secretary so we can discuss what you need to do to meet the criteria.
The club will also need to make the confirmation in the DofE system for you, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure we have the information we need to do this.
Last updated 18:03 on 6 September 2023